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TIC, Twitch/OCD

The presence of emotional tensions on the duodenum is at the origin of tics or even tocs.

The duodenum, when positively stimulated, directs the patient towards a well-ordered behavior, a need to tidy up, to classify... Its key word is order.

But suffering in this area can lead to a need to impose oneself, to be intransigent in one's choices, which greatly diminishes the capacity to adapt to a situation.

The individual tries to adapt the situation or the other to his choice and his desire. But the frustration and the need to impose oneself without being able to do so increases the tension of the nervous system and pushes it to find a valve.

The release of this memory allows the disorder to disappear. Nevertheless, other memories in stock can be reactivated afterwards and lead to new tics which can then be different.

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