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Terms of Sales

In force on 01 May 2021





Neurosteo means a professional training organization registered with DREETS PACA under number 93131907413 and whose head office is located at 1 av du Maréchal Leclerc - Villa 6, 13220 Châteauneuf les Martigues.  The Neurosteo company sets up and provides training throughout the country and abroad, alone or in partnership.


ARTICLE 1: object and scope


These General Conditions of Sale determine the conditions applicable to training services provided by Neurosteo on behalf of a client. Any order for training from the company implies the customer's unreserved acceptance of these General Conditions of Sale. These conditions prevail over any other customer document, in particular over all general purchasing conditions.


ARTICLE 2: Estimate and certificate


For each training, the company Neurosteo undertakes to provide a quote to the client. The latter is required to return to the company a completed, dated, signed and stamped copy, with the mention "Good for agreement". At the client's request, a certificate of attendance or end of training can be provided.

Prices and payment terms

The training prices are indicated in euros all taxes included. Payment is to be made before the service is performed. Payment of invoices can be made by bank transfer, check or cash. The invoice will be issued after receipt of the balance.


ARTICLE 3: Support


If the customer benefits from financing by an Approved Joint Collector Organization (OPCA), he must make a request for support before the start of the service. The customer is required to provide the financing agreement during registration. In the event that Neurosteo does not receive payment from the OPCA on the 1st day of the training, all of the training costs will be invoiced to the customer.


ARTICLE 4: Conditions for postponing and canceling a training session


Cancellation of a training session is possible, provided it is done at least 15 calendar days before the scheduled day and time. Any cancellation must be notified by e-mail to the address . In case of cancellation from the 14th working day before the date of the training, the client is required to pay a cancellation penalty, up to 50% of the total initial cost of the training.

The request to postpone his participation in training can be made by the client, provided that a written request is sent to the training organization within 10 days before the date of the training.


In the event of non-performance of its obligations following a fortuitous event or a case of force majeure (illness, accident, covid), Neurosteo cannot be held responsible towards its customers. They will be informed by email.


ARTICLE 5: Intellectual property and copyright


Training materials, whatever their form (paper, digital, electronic, etc.) are protected by intellectual property and copyright. Their reproduction, partial or total, cannot be carried out without the express agreement of the company. The client undertakes not to use, transmit or reproduce all or part of these documents with a view to organizing or leading training courses.


ARTICLE 6: Information technology and freedoms  


The personal information communicated by the client to the company Neurosteo is useful for the processing of the registration as well as for the constitution of a client file for commercial prospecting. According to the law "Informatique et Libertés" of January 6, 1978, the customer has the right to access, rectify and oppose personal data concerning him.


ARTICLE 7: Applicable law - language


These GTC and the transactions resulting from them between the Service Provider and the Customer are governed by and subject to French law. These T & Cs are written in French. In the event that they are translated into one or more foreign languages, only the French text will prevail in the event of a dispute.


ARTICLE 8: Applicable law and attribution of jurisdiction


These General Conditions of Sale are governed by French law. In the event of a dispute arising between the company Neurosteo and the customer, the search for an amicable solution will be privileged. Otherwise, the case will be brought before the courts of Aix en Provence.



+33 (0) 983779523

1 Avenue du Maréchal Leclerc
13220 -  Chateauneuf-les-Martigues

© 2021 by Neurosteo.

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