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Neck pain and headaches

This patient came to the clinic for the first time with complaints of headache and neck pain for several years.

The history reveals a fracture of the talus dating back several years as well.

So you have to know that mechanically, the cervicals do not cause headaches; this is a belief conveyed by the doctors who associate a little cervical stiffness with headaches...

Here we find emotional memories on the heart area that date (because we can date them) from the year of the trauma on the foot.

The presence of these somatizations is due to the stress carried by the fall and the fracture of the talus. In the heart area, these create a loss of mobility at the thoracic and dorsal level. We know that the rotation of the head is possible by the dorsal mobility and not the cervical one. This leads to a mechanical adaptation of the cervical vertebrae which then lose mobility and become inflamed.

At the same time, these somatizations maintain the tissue tensions at the level of the traumatized foot.

Finally, these somatizations being a stress on the nervous system, the latter compensates it by other emotional memories which increase the tension in a significant and permanent way on the spinal axis. This tension is sufficient to create inflammation of the cranial meninges, i.e. the headache.

The lifting of these memories thus allows the release of the cervical spine, the tissue tensions of the feet (helped by some intra-bone manipulations that take longer to disengage) and to relieve the nervous system of stress, which induces a decrease in the activation of the other memories and a decrease in the dural-meridian tension and thus of the headaches.

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