As an echo to a previous post, I have had many cases of meralgia (neuralgia of the femoral-cutaneous nerve) in the office, and absolutely all of them were related to a dog problem.
Here are some examples:
- A 25 year old girl with right lateral nerve pain for 3 months. The somato-emotional examination reveals 2 memories on the small pelvis dating back to ...3 months. I was sure that their release would allow the pain to disappear. The interrogation tells us that she does have a dog, but nothing, absolutely nothing has happened. Nothing either with the dogs of her friends, family...
But when I ask the question "what do you do for a living?", the patient instantly realizes what has happened and starts to cry. The patient is a veterinary assistant...She unfortunately had to euthanize a dog because the veterinarian was not there.
The emotional suffering of this act made her somatize and this was expressed on the thigh.
- Right malarkey for 1 month.
The same questioning revealed that the patient had inadvertently crushed a puppy recently bought for his children while maneuvering in his parking lot.
The link being made between the event and the pain, the patient was pain free the same evening.
- A patient's right side pain for a few months.
Investigation reveals that his wife wants to buy a dog and he does not want a pet at all.
But his love for his wife made him not express his refusal and the stress it causes him.
- A patient's left-sided meralgia for a few months.
The investigation reveals that one of her 2 dogs was very sick just before the pain appeared.
The osteopathic test reveals 2 memories from the same period on the heart, the area of the affection.
What is interesting to see if we analyze these cases and others, is that no matter if the patient presents a somatization following an event, or not, or if this somatization is on a bladder, heart or any other visceral zone, the symbolic expression of a problem linked to a dog is always on the femoral-cutaneous nerve.